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Pettman Underpass improvements


Transforming Pettman Underpass

The Council want to create an improved route and public space in Plumstead, where the High Street meets Pettman Bridge and the Underpass. We’re working in partnership with Peabody and Berkeley Homes, with funding from the Mayor of London’s Housing Zone.

A view of the Pettman Underpass

Our proposals for the Pettman Underpass will help to create safer and more attractive spaces for people walking and cycling in the area. 

As well as providing more greenery and improving connectivity between Plumstead, Thamesmead and the wider area, we’re proposing new:

  • lighting
  • surfacing
  • signage
  • artwork
  • planting
  • CCTV

View over a student's shoulder looking at their artworkLocal people have helped to shape the proposals through a variety of events and exhibitions. We ran workshops with more than 200 school students to help create artwork that will go into the final designs. Local teenagers have also taken part in our Young Designers’ programme, to get an understanding of the design industry and paid work experience.

We know local people want the space to be safe, clean and accessible, with vibrant public art and greenery. The proposed improvements include:

A striking design on the underside of the underpass - this striking design will completely transform this unloved space. It uses colour combinations and patterns inspired by our co-design workshops and the existing murals in the space, which will be retained.

A view of the underpass painted with a multi-colour collage of pattern

A safer layout – a colourful new tiled wall around the base of the ramp to deter fly tipping and make the space feel safer.

Practical and playful re-surfacing – the ground will be re-surfaced with a mix of darker tarmac and colourful play surfacing to make it more accessible and attractive.

Improving the stairs – the steps will be resurfaced with non slip material and bespoke tiles co-designed by local school children will be added to the front face of the stairs. Their designs are inspired by Plumstead’s Victorian heritage, Thamesmead’s modernist architecture, and examples of Nepalese textile design.

A multi-colour collage of patterned triangles

De-cluttering signage – directional signage will be attached to the tops of the columns, reducing unnecessary poles and making it easier to read.

New and improved lighting – we plan to install feature lighting and safety lighting to make the area feel safer.

Planting trees – subject to approval from Thames Water, we want to plant a tall feature tree in the ‘rotunda’ and more trees in the area behind it.

A more welcoming entrance – an attractive entry sign, improved railings and floor graphics.

Our ability to deliver all of these proposals will depend on the budget, which will be confirmed in September.

Download our exhibition displays to read more about the design process and our design team.

Document image preview
Transforming Pettman Underpass Exhibition Boards.pdf

Click Next to give your feedback on the proposals.


Let us know what you think about the proposals by 19 July. 

Once the site has been transformed, we want to host a celebration event with the local community, showcasing how we can use the space.

If you would like to take part, please give us your contact details.

Thanks for sharing your views. 

Please click Next to submit your feedback.

For more news on the underpass and other projects in Plumstead, register for updates.

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